Vallorani Cigars has moved from rainy, purple Georgia with the likes of corrupt Fanni Willis and communist Stacey Abrams to sunny, FREE Florida!!
In DeSantisland, we take our stand against tyranny, CRT in education, child mutilation, and liberals who want to take away all of our rights.
Vallorani Cigars has some great new gear to go with your smoking enjoyment, as well as a stunning new batch of favorited Luigi Torpedos!
We decided it is time to celebrate our move! (It might be coffee in that mug, or it might be a nice bourbon paired with a stunning Luigi cigar!)
With tthe purchase of either our brand new Vintage Sunshine Florida camping mug or glass can (which includes a glass straw and wooden lid), you’ll receive a tin of delicious, melt-in-your-mouth Key Lime Shortbread cookies!
God has blessed Florida with sunshine and freedom. May God bless the rest of America with the same!